Copertina: Classic Works in International Relations-

Scheda completa

  • Andreatta F.
  • (a cura di)

Classic Works in International Relations

  • 2017
  • Società editrice Il Mulino
Isbn edizione digitale: 9788815332899
Isbn edizione a stampa: 9788815265517

Introduction International Relations in the 21st Century

1. The philosophical bases of traditions - 2. The four periods of international relations’ theory - 3. Epistemological perspectives - 4. Alternative approaches for the future

Chapter I Norman Angell: The Illusion of War

1. Power politics and war - 2. Peace and economic interdependence - 3. Political reform and pacifism - 4. Current criticisms of the work

Chapter II Edward Carr: Utopia and Reality

1. Introduction - 2. “Pars costruens”: peaceful change and the capital/labour analogy - 3. Force and legitimacy: the necessary conditions - 4. “Pars destruens”: the roots of utopia and the axe of realism - 5. The illusion of realism? The critical reception of the book

Chapter III Hans Morgenthau: The Struggle for Power and Peace

1. Introduction - 2. The struggle for power - 3. Limitations of power: the balance of power - 4. Peace through accommodation - 5. Peace through transformation: the world state - 6. National interest and power politics - Other works by Morgenthau

Chapter IV Thomas Schelling: Game theory, Deterrence and Strategic Behaviour

1. Introduction - 2. Schelling and strategic realism - 3. Strategy of Conflict and strategic interaction - 4. Re-orienting game theory - 5. Deterrence, surveillance and arms control - 6. Reception of the book and Schelling’s legacy

Chapter V Raymond Aron: Peace and War. A Sociological Account of International Relations

1. Introduction - 2. The sociology of war - 3. Key theoretical concepts in international relations - 4. The antinomies of diplomatic conduct: toward a reasonable policy - 5. Reception of the work and main criticisms

Chapter VI Graham Allison: Conceptual Frameworks of Foreign Policy Decision Making

1. Introduction - 2. FPA and IR - 3. Three models for analyzing foreign policy - 4. Why did the Soviet Union attempt to place offensive missiles in Cuba? - 5. Why did the United States choose to respond to the Soviet missile emplacement with a blockade of Cuba? - 6. Why did the Soviet Union withdraw the missiles? - Conclusions

Chapter VII Hedley Bull: In Search of International Order

1. Introduction - 2. The origins of the book and its reception - 3. The grotian tradition: the idea of an international society - 4. International order and the anarchical society - 5. Rules and institutions of the anarchical society - 6. After the anarchical society

Chapter VIII Kenneth Waltz, Anarchy and International Politics

1. Introduction - 2. International science, structural theory and the balance of power - 3. The continuity of the Theory of International Politics and its change

Chapter IX Robert Gilpin: Hegemonic Stability and War

1. Introduction - 2. The nature of systemic change - 3. Systemic equilibrium - 4. The transition to disequilibrium - 5. Correcting the imbalance - 6. Expectations about the future - 7. The response to Gilpin - 8. The legacy of war and change

Chapter X Robert Keohane: The Promises of Cooperation

1. Introduction - 2. After Hegemony - 3. Reception of the book

Chapter XI George Liska: The Revenge of History

1. Introduction - 2. International systems in time and space - 3. Physics and tragedy in international systems - 4. The critique of international relations - 5. The book’s reception

Chapter XII Samuel Huntington: Civilizations in Conflict

1. Introduction - 2. The Clash of Civilization - 3. Reception of the book

Chapter XIII Alexander Wendt: The Social Construction of International Politics

1. Introduction - 2. The ontology of the international system: the critique of materialism - 3. The three cultures of anarchy - 4. From the international system to culture, via the anarchical society - 5. Uncertainty and change

Chapter XIV Bruce Russett and John Oneal: Investigating the Liberal Legacy

1. Introduction - 2. Back to Kant - 3. The theory and practice of peaceful triangulations in the post-Cold War era: liberalism strikes back - 4. The book’s framework and democratic peace: empirical evidence and debates - 5. Economic interdependence and peace: reassessing the steadiest path - 6. The “peaceful union” amid Kantian synergies and clashes of civilizations - 7. Beyond the post-Cold War era: all over again? - 8. Conclusion: the virtues of an imperfect triangulation and the future of the liberal legacy

Chapter XV Stahis Kalyvas: Making Sense of Senseless Violence

1. Introduction - 2. Civil wars: at the “centre-stage” of international politics? - 3. A theory of violence in civil wars - 4. Advancing knowledge in civil wars’ research